Haida Gwaii, known as the Galapagos of the North, is a pristine archipelago on the west coast of British Columbia. It is steeped in the culture of the Haida people dating back over 10,000 years. Discover the culture both past and present as you explore these incredible islands. Experience Haida Gwaii and a world of intrigue, adventures and undeniable breathtaking beauty.
This is a group tour with a maximum of 21 persons.
Day 1
Arrive in Prince Rupert
Make your way to Prince Rupert to join your welcome dinner. This gives you a chance to meet your fellow travelers.
Day 2
Prince Rupert
Take the time today to explore Prince Rupert. Your guide will take you to the Pacific Cannery where you will have lunch. The afternoon is yours at your leisure.
Day 3
Travel to Haida Gwaii
Sailing from the mainland of British Columbia you will travel across the Hecate Strait to Haida Gwaii - 'Island of the People'. Your destination is Queen Charlotte City. This will be your base for the next 3 days.
Day 4
Greater Masset and Naikoon Provincial Park
With a local guide to give you the best experience, you journey to the village of Masset and onto Naikoon Provincial Park. You will learn about the first settlers in the area, the local people and experience the pristine wilderness.
Day 5
Today will be spent on the water travelling along the coastal waters to visit local villages and see the wildlife.
Day 6
Port Clements and Tlell
The local area in Port Clements is an active forestry industry and on your excursions today. Hike along the Golden Spruce Trail to immerse yourself in the beauty of the British Columbia Forests. In Tlell you can wander the village for local artist works and learn how they create such beautiful pieces of art.
Day 7
Haida Gwaii to Prince Rupert
Saying goodbye to the Haida Gwaii people, you will board the ferry to take you to Prince Rupert. In the evening there will be a farewell dinner so you can reflect on the last 7 days and say goodbye to your fellow travellers and guide.
Day 8
Leave Prince Rupert
Continue on with your travel or head home after your cultural immersion trip!
This tour will highlight the culture of the first nations people in British Columbia. If you would like to be immersed for 7 days contact me so we can coordinate this journey for you!